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美国圣芭芭拉大学 Irwin Appel教授学术报告
阅读次数:    发布时间:2018/06/22

报告人:美国圣芭芭拉大学 Irwin Appel教授

报告主题:All the Worlds a Stage:An American Actor and Director in China


报告地点 :教学楼A310

报告人:美国圣芭芭拉大学 Irwin Appel教授

报告主题:Naked Shakes: The Actor and the Word: A New (and Very Old) Approach to Shakespeare


报告地点 :教学楼A310

报告人:美国圣芭芭拉大学 Irwin Appel教授

报告主题: Speak the Speech: A Shakespeare Workshop


报告地点 :教学楼A310


Irwin Appel, 美国圣芭芭拉大学戏剧与舞蹈系主席,戏剧教授、演员、导演。Naked Shake创始人、艺术指导;The Death of Kings导演、创始人。

参演戏剧角色:在Richard III中扮演Richard; 在The Tempest中扮演Prospero The Merchant of Venice中扮演Shylock;在A Midsummer Night's Dream中扮演Bottom;在Merry Wives of Windsor中扮演Falstaff;在Timon of Athen中扮演Timon; 在Much Ado About Nothin中扮演Dogberry;Macbeth in Kabuki Macbeth中扮演Macbeth, Gross Indecency中扮演Oscar Wilde: Appoggiatura中扮演Aunt Chuck, Talley's Folly扮演Matt, 在Our Town中扮演Stage Manager, The Beard of Avon中扮演DeVere, Molly Sweeney中扮演Frank, 在As You Like It中扮演DeVere.

执导的戏剧:Hamlet, A View From the Bridge, King Lear, Lydia, Much Ado About Nothing, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Equivocation, Macbeth, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Merchant of Venice, Anowa, Pentecost, Rabbit Hole, Seagull, The Winters Tale, Angels in America, Measure for Measure, and many others.

参与编曲、声效设计的戏剧:Other Desert Cities, Twelfth Night, All My Sons, A Streetcar Named Desire, A View From the Bridge, Rabbit Hole, Up: The Man in the Flying Lawn Chair, Take Me Out, Gods Pictures, On the Razzle, and many others, including most productions I have directed as well.

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